3/1: Spider Forest Comic of the Week Week 9!

Starting the new year off with another cross promo with the lovely comics from Spider Forest! Give these guys a look-see while LOSTLAND is on break!

Creatures Featured

Goblins and Owls and Rabbits, oh my! Join the zany adventures!

Gobo Gazette Gobo Gazette – Gobo Gazette is a comic strip style, ongoing story about twelve goblins having one misadventures after the next as they try to find a new home and their place in the world outside their cave.

Lauren Ipsum Lauren Ipsum – “Lauren Ipsum” is about a loony rabbit librarian who writes geeky, self-indulgent stories, mostly fanfics.

Realm of Owls Realm of Owls – Introducing Buffet. Captured! Jollyhoot. Exotic and Adventurous Do-It-Yourself Trip. Four sillily deep stories about the world of the owl people. Sound fun? Then drag your butt over for a hooty-good read! (◎◊◎) [Realm of Owls Webtoon Mirror]